Introduction Cases
What Neno1 System can do for car industry
Wet Paint Spray Booth
Painting process and wet paint spray booth
Car painting consists of three phases such as under-cotating,primer-coating, and top-coating.
The primer-coating and the top-coating are spraying paint mists over car-bodies.
A large volume of water is used in them to capture oversprayed paint mists. Manual mainteinance and chemcal dosage keep the booth clean.
Accumulated paint solids and circulated water cause problems
Nano1 System's Effects
Then,the bubbles go along with the water circulation,realizing the following effects
Micro/Nano bubbles against paint solids
It is presumed that Micro/Nano bubbles evaporate the syner portion in paint compound ,getting paint solids less sticky.
Cost Saving by Nano1 System
The below is an example of a maintenance cost saving achieved by one NS-075 unti.
Natural Water Area
What Neno1 System can do for natural water
Dubai Creek water treatment demo
Transparency improved after 4 weeksNano1
A lake with Algae/AVS(Acid-Volatile Sufide) in Japan
Dead algae floating up
Scenedesmus opoliensis x 400
Microspora willeana x 1,000
Objective:Preventing algae growth and improving AVS value
Ease offensive odorImprove water quality
The Olympic Park (Seoul, Korea)